Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Necessity Is The Mother of Invention

Dad found an old knitting needle in the apartment and the other day I fashioned it into a toilet paper holder. (Necessity being the Mother of Invention) It works very well. The toilets here have a shelf above water level and then when you flush, water washes the shelf off and down the little hole. It takes some getting used to as I find myself thinking, "Man! I need to drink more water!"; only to remind myself that any deposits are not diluted.

Night before last, I cut my ring finger badly while fixing dinner. When dad came in the bathroom and saw the sink, he said, "Don't you think you need stitches?" I said, "Not here!" So with several bandages I staunched the bleeding. Yesterday it just seeped throughout the day and I'm sure it will be fine. I sure wish I had brought some liquid bandage. Can you use super glue? The inconvenient part is that I can't fully compress the keys on the iPad with that finger. It's like trying to play the piano with a major key that sticks. Makes for interesting reading when I'm done.

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