While one of the missionaries and I were attaching two-sided tape to the pictures and other visual aides; we chatted as people do who are working side-by-side. I told him that last night, as I was praying for their work to be rewarded by visitors coming to see the show; I'd gotten the strongest impression that even if no one came, the missionaries' testimonies would be strengthened through all their consecrated work. Last night, Dad and I had gone through part of the branch list with the branch President, and it was discouraging to see how many people had been active at one time and had fallen away. I said to this missionary, "If all that happened on your mission was that your testimony was so anchored that you never fell away, think of what a blessing that would be to your posterity." He then told me that there was a time when he and his dad had become inactive. His mom had died of cancer and his older brother started going to a Young Adult ward. At the same time, he and his dad just stopped going to church. Of course, that's all it takes to become inactive is just to stop going. But this elder kept going to seminary...he couldn't even think why he did. He said that all the kids hated their teacher who was an older guy. Then the next year, they got a new young teacher. He said, "He brought the Spirit with him every day." And of course, that is what made a change in him. One day, this teacher taught a verse from the scriptures that the elder said was one of those voice of warning scriptures that was quite harsh; and that the elder felt that he was speaking right to him. He went home, and his brother, who had just left on a mission, had left the order book from the pizza place that he worked at on his desk in his room. On it was written a scripture verse and this elder decided to look it up. He said it was the first time he had looked up anything in the scriptures and it was a call to repentance. He said that since then, there have only been a handful of days that he hasn't read from the Book of Mormon. He and his dad started going back to church, and now,here he is in Hungary. What a sweet story of conversion.
I'm so thankful for the sacrament each week and for our covenant to always remember Christ.
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